surviving the refining of fire to emerge as i was always meant to be.

My photo
NE side of life, out in the country,, where the 4 seasons bring me to my knees, United States
standing still: to know God. to know the truth of my worth. to acknowledge self and others as unique and significant. to find and fulfill my purpose. to be ok with just being myself.

Friday, December 19, 2008

day 2 :O)

what makes me happy today: many things made me happy today so a list is in order!

out door, blow up, lighted snowman who is decorating my front window with big old fasioned bulbs [:>) ooo )

little things bought at tonight's auction that will certainly make my friend smile!

setting up my silver tree

holiday cookies

spending time with my friend

sweet dreams

feeling better (mood wise)

my husband treating me well

a new friend :O) hi kim!

a comment from a person i know from another site


talk of my kiln being hooked up to electricity soon... woot!

hope you all had such a pleasant day!


1 comment:

  1. hi, coral!! (waves)

    i can't wait to see more of your pottery!
